Thanks for riding the 2020 pandemic roller coaster with Friends of Fourth Ward Neighborhood Association.

First the cancellation of the Secret Gardens of the Fourth Ward tour. Soon Community meetings, yoga, picnics, oyster roast, porch crawls, and more…gone. Then re-thinking the traditional in-house Fourth Ward Holiday Home Tour and the pivot to the porch-crawl style “Sip & Stroll” model.

And finally, the total cancellation of the December 2020 event to keep our community, neighbors, guests, vendors, and sponsors safe from the late fall Covid infection surge.

So here’s a little sugar.

No matter how you celebrate the festive holiday season, we hope that this video stroll down the Fourth Ward Holiday Home Tour memory lane will warm your heart.
Thank you for your support in 2020 and here’s to a brighter, safer, healthier 2021.

We hope you enjoy the video below.
(The video link goes to our Fourth Ward CLT YouTube Channel and is safe to open.)